exercise to learn a little about Java reflection methods.
This was based on code from HashCodeBuilder in Apache commons-lang,
which can generate hashcodes via reflection - ie,
* Given an object of type clazz, go through the fields in that
class and concatenate the
* values of all the fields, excluding the ones listed in excludedFields.
* This will only work on bean-type getter methods that 1. do not
have parameters
* and 2. return a String.
* This code does not do any lookup on inherited methods.
* @param object instance where we are getting field values from.
* @param clazz the Class of the object.
* @param builder StringBuilder object to contain our concatenated values.
* @param excludeMethods fields that are not to be included in our builder.
* @throws InvocationTargetException when an error occurs while
calling a method in our object.
public static void concatenateFieldValues(Object object, Class
clazz, StringBuilder builder,
excludeMethods) throws InvocationTargetException
List excludedMethodList = excludeMethods != null ?
Arrays.asList(excludeMethods) : Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods();
for (Method method : methods)
// only get values from public getter methods that are not
in exclusion list
if ((method.getName().indexOf("get") == 0)
&& !excludedMethodList.contains(method.getName())
&& (Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()))
) {
try {
// this will only deal with bean-type get methods
without params
assert method.getParameterTypes().length == 0;
// TODO - shouldnt we explicitly check and throw
an exception here?
Object fieldValue = method.invoke(object);
if (fieldValue instanceof String) {
builder.append(StringUtils.remove(fieldValue.toString(), ' '));
} catch (InvocationTargetException e)
throw new InvocationTargetException(e, "Unable to
invoke the method: " + method.getName() +
" from
instance of: " + clazz.getName());
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// this can't happen. Would get a Security exception instead
// throw a runtime exception in case the impossible happens.
throw new InternalError("Unexpected
good deal, thanks!
to make it a little more helpful, i added a few lines
try {
//this will only deal with bean-type get methods without params
assert method.getParameterTypes().length == 0;
// TODO - shouldnt we explicitly check and throw an exception here?
Object fieldValue = method.invoke(object);
if (fieldValue instanceof String) {
builder.append(StringUtils.remove(fieldValue.toString(), ' '));
} else if (fieldValue instanceof Integer) {
//regardless add delimiter
Good stuff! Just realised that in the original code, there will be cases where you end up with the same concatenated string as a result.
-field 1 = null
-field 2 = value
-field 1 = value
-field 2 = null
in both cases, you get a string of "value" - so it's not a correct value for a hash.
Having the method names in there removes that possibility.
Thanks Chris!
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